Alongside Copenhagen Fashion Week, Marc Jacobs wanted to activate their Daisy scents both online through social media and offline with a pop-up shop in Magasin. This required a link between the two communication channels. We wanted the target audience to see a clear link between the activities and also the online effort to drive a high level of traffic to the pop-up shop.
In collaboration with Magasin, we created an outdoor activation consisting of two parts.
The first part should link the activity closely to Copenhagen Fashion Week. Therefore, we set up two large flower-covered photo walls outside Magasin’s main entrance. The aim was that all passers-byers could take their own picture with the beautiful wall as wallpaper. When they shared their photos on Instagram with the campaign hashtag, they participated in a competition to win a Marc Jacobs fashion item.
The second part of the activity consisted in the distribution of flowers on and around Strøget (Copenhagen’s main shopping street). Each flower was provided with a unique lottery number, which gave the chance to win a Marc Jacobs perfume if the number was brought to the pop-up shop at Magasin. The activity went on for six days with one winner chosen and announced every day. More than 8000 flowers were distributed.
The campaign resulted in big reach both online and offline. More than 3.000 images were taken at the photo walls, and up to 85.000 people were exposed to these images on Instagram, while more than 100,000 were exposed through the collaboration with Magasin. Massive traffic was driven to the physical pop-up shop, and the campaign achieved a total reach of over 400.000.
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