Den Gamle Fabrik – Bærfolket (The Berry People)


Den Gamle Fabrik already had an amazing, family-friendly universe with the TV commercial ‘Bærfolket’ (‘The Berry People’). The company wanted to bring ‘Bærfolket’ to life, and establish a more direct and emotional link between the product and the universe – with a clear connection between family and the grocery shopper.


We asked one of Denmark’s most popular children’s book authors, Lene Kaaberbøl, to interpret the commercial universe into a children’s book. The talented Anders Walther was asked to bring the characters to life with drawings. Sebastian Klein carried out voiceovers in the digital version. The result was ‘Fortællingen om Bærfolket’ (‘The Story of the Berry People’) – a children’s book about the strawberry girl Dug (Dew). The book was published both as a printed children’s book and as an app.


With five hearts from Politiken’s book reviewer, more than 110.000 App Store-downloads and a fine position on the bestseller lists, the children’s book campaign shows that good literature can thrive both in Bilka (a large Danish supermarket), in the public libraries, and on the bookshelf at home.  The campaign for Den Gamle Fabrik got coverage in both traditional media, such as ‘Aftenshowet’ (the most seen night show in Danish broadcast TV), in nationwide newspapers, as well as through leading bloggers.

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