The Danish Breast Cancer Association (Støt Brysterne) has been known for the pink bow and their campaign efforts for several years. They have focused on breast cancer and raised money for research. The Danish Breast Cancer Association has built a loyal group of women aged +35 years over the years. The organization has long had a desire to extend their campaign to reach a broader audience including both a younger and a male segment. Our challenge was to devise a strategy and campaign that would attract and embrace all three segments.
In addition to expanding the reach of the campaign, it was also important to have a ‘social first’ mentality to best meet the potential for interaction with the campaign through social media.
We developed the campaign ‘Value the Brests’ (In Danish: Sæt Pris på Brysterne – a double meaning, playing on both value and appreciation of brests) with a clear goal: Enable the target audience to make the campaign their own. We expected a younger audience to not want to ‘stay within the lines’ but rather prefer to customize their messages.
The overall idea was simple. We encouraged people to hold two items up in front of them, so they indicated breasts, take a picture, and share it with the hashtag: #sætprispåbrysterne (#valuethebrests). The goal was to focus on self appreciation, appreciation of loved ones, and of others who are affected by breast cancer. We provided a simple framework for the campaign and let people decide for themselves how to interpret and tell their story. We used Facebook and Instagram as primary communication channels. We ensured exposure to influencers as well as the younger audience and made it easy for people to share their photos and stories. We collaborated with famous TV personalities, bloggers, YouTube publishers, and companies. This kickstarted the campaign, drove maximum attention, and gave reach to a wider audience.
The campaign was successful on all parameters. On Facebook we reached almost 1 million Danes, 45% of whom were men.
We achieved 6,5 million impressions, and more than 289,000 people engaged in the campaign posts by either sharing their own photo, sharing content or commenting. The average reach per post was 170,000 of which 68% were obtained organically. 40,000 Facebook users also saw 100% of the campaign’s video content.
On Instagram, over 400 users uploaded their own images with the hashtag #sætprispåbrysterne during the campaign period. By the end of the campaign period, we had achieved more than 62,000 likes and over 30,000 video views, all of which were achieved organically. ‘Value the Brests’ was also welcomed by the press. The campaign obtained more than 60 articles in online and print media for a total PR value of 8,000,000 DKK.