
With an impressive brand awareness of more than 90%, PANDORA is one of the most well-known brands in Denmark. However, the jewelry company wished to create a stronger emotional connection between the brand and the Danish consumers. Therefore, InBold was asked to develop a unique and feel good concept in an urban environment focusing on shareable moments.


We developed the world’s first box bike tour to celebrate women – THE PANDORA TOUR. It took place on Mother’s Day in Copenhagen. At the event, participants created memories by driving their mother, grandmother or a friend around town in styled box bikes. The box bike tour enabled participants to interact and connect with the brand in a completely new way. Their association with PANDORA became stronger with the memories created from the unique event.

After the event, PANDORA took the total amount raised from entrance fees, multiplied it by ten, and then took the new total and bought box bikes for the full amount. All bikes were donated to children’s institutions. In that way, the tour opened up for the creation of many memorable moments in the future.


During THE PANDORA TOUR participants met not only spectators, who were cheering at them. They also met photographers, journalists, and bloggers, who wrote enthusiastically about the event.

The world’s first box bike tour and the donations that followed resulted in more than 100 press clippings, reaching an earned audience of more than six million through PR and social media.

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