About 300,000 Danes have a Nordea Gold Mastercard, which gives them benefits such as travel insurance and extended warranty on e.g. electronics and household appliances. But a large part of the customers do not use the credit card and are not familiar with all the benefits they have already paid for.
Therefore, Nordea wanted to activate existing Gold Mastercard owners to use their card. This should be done through creative brand activation, which at the same time could position Nordea as an innovative first-mover company in a rather conservative industry.
We chose to focus on the credit card’s travel insurance, which has a strong emotional potential. Focusing on involvement, we created a travel portal that made dreams come true via Augmented Reality and, at the same time, communicated the benefits of using Nordea Gold Mastercard.
We activated the travel portal at a popular travel fair to reach the target group in a relevant context, and we used competition as a motivational factor. The Augmented Reality travel portal gave the guests at the travel fair an innovative experience via Facebook and Snapchat – with the product Nordea Gold Mastercard in focus.
Before and during the travel fair we engaged both press and influencers, who wrote about the Augmented Reality travel portal and the benefits of the travel insurance within Nordea Gold Mastercard.
The concept of the Augmented Reality travel portal at the travel fair was a great success and created awareness of the travel insurance benefit of Nordea Gold Mastercard directly to the target group.
Almost 1,500 tried the travel portal via their Facebook or Snapchat. Around 1,000 took part in the competition – and 60% of these gave marketing permission to Nordea.
With coverage in the press and through unpaid collaboration with popular influencers, the messages about the travel insurance in Nordea Gold Mastercard also reached outside the travel fair: More than 150,000 readers, fans and followers were exposed to the communication.