European Sperm Bank – BlivSæ


Three out of four Danish men today have reduced semen quality, and in recent years the demand for donor semen has increased dramatically. European Sperm Bank, one of the world’s largest sperm banks, was in a situation where the demand exceeded their supply. We needed to assist the European Sperm Bank to recruit new donors as soon as possible so that the supply of the donor’s sperm could meet the ever-increasing demand. Also, we should ensure growth in the number of donors going forward.


Blivsæ should be used as a recruitment channel for new donors aged 18 – 40 and contribute to continuous growth in the number of donors. InBold designed a tailor-made recruitment funnel for social media, where we continuously tested and monitored various parameters such as texts, core messages, images, animations, videos, target audience and distribution variables to streamline our communications with cost per recruit in mind. Facebook proved to be the most effective channel and was used as the primary platform. Here, the funnel was constantly fine-tuned, among other things, by testing hundreds of different ads variations. At the same time, we revitalized Blivsæ’s identity and optimized the communication and recruitment flow on the site.


A total of 1,200 new donors were recruited in less than one year, while the cost per newly recruited donor was significantly reduced. The special recruitment funnel was able to drive new and cheaper donors faster and faster.

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