Den Gamle Fabrik – The Berry Bus


Through generations, the marmalade producer Den Gamle Fabrik has been associated with Danish summer and the taste of real marmalade. However, several competitors have over the years appeared on the market. Den Gamle Fabrik’s position was challenged. New marketing was needed. A need to recreate the emotional bond between brand and consumer.


To recreate the nostalgia and regain the position as the Danes’ favorite marmalade brand, we developed a concept that would bring Den Gamle Fabrik back into the Danish general consciousness. Den Gamle Fabrik needed to get out and meet their consumers. So we created Den Gamle Fabrik’s Berry Bus. The bus drove across the country during the month of June and visited markets, city celebrations, and local carnivals as well as the important retailers like Bilka, Føtex, and Kvickly. Everyone who came to the Berry Bus was met by a cozy universe which set the scene for a good summer experience with Den Gamle Fabrik. Fruit juice, freshly baked waffles, and muffins topped with marmalade was served.

The activity was supported by successful PR efforts at national, regional, and local level. Also, we created awareness through Den Gamle Fabrik’s social media channels. A combination of fun and involving polls, contests and photos from the tour created great interaction around the campaign. To create an extra push, we ended with an event in a strawberry field for family bloggers and journalists. The event celebrated the coziness and family values ​​that reflect the DNA of Den Gamle Fabrik. The nostalgia was supported by the revival of a 1998 commercial for Den Gamle Fabrik, ‘Molly’ by Bates, and the tones of the Danish evergreen; ‘Glemmer du, så husker jeg …’


The Berry Bus actualized the story of Den Gamle Fabrik’s taste and quality. It was a sensational branding concept that resulted in smiles and great interest all over Denmark. The interaction with the consumers worked, and Den Gamle Fabrik returned to the hearts of the Danes. It is estimated that more than 2.5 million Danes encountered the Berry Bus in cities and on the roads.

The number of visits to the Berry Bus exceeded all expectations. More than 6.000 people were pleased to taste and talk about the products of Den Gamle Fabrik. This also gave unique insights on consumer wishes and habits about marmalade. Besides our own efforts, Kvickly, Bilka, and several major shopping malls also supported the event and helped create a buzz on their social media. With the PR efforts we achieved a wide coverage across the country with 37 press clippings and an earned audience of almost 2.5 million.

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