“We want to connect better with young people and give them an idea of what they can experience if they win the EuroJackpot. We want to reach the target group effectively and we want to strengthen our branding universe of ‘dreaming big’. This was the challenge Danske Spil presented to us.
We identified a compelling story, when we studied what young Danes dream of. On that basis, we created a concept that brings young people as close to their dreams as possible – or even gave them the chance to enter their dreams. On top of the the list of dreams was an uninhabited island in the Caribbean and a private jet tour to the Wonders of the World. We made these journeys ‘come true’ with Augmented Reality technology. In a few seconds, the user was teleported to the dream destination – without having to download any special apps. Only their smartphone and a Snapchat profile were needed, and they were on their way!
We created content for both Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, which generated curiosity and engagement.
To provide a strong PR hook, we dived into the true meaning of dreams – in collaboration with a psychologist. In the PR work, both the mental significance of dreams and the Augmented Reality were used to get journalists and readers on the hook.
More than 85,000 young Danes got a taste of life as a EuroJackpot winner. The content on social media created curiosity, involvement and drove traffic to EuroJackpot’s Augmented Reality portals. The price per click on the dream portals was 50 % lower than what Danske Spil usually pays – due to the massive interest. The users of EuroJackpot’s Augmented Reality portals spent more than 244 hours with the Eurojackpot brand. The media also welcomed our PR stories about dreams, which reached more than 2.7 million potential viewers and readers.